Downtown Neighborhoods Association
powered by TidyHQLew Wallace Presentation, "The George" at the Pearl Addition appeal review, Club Runner update, DNA Projects and discussion regarding incident in Wells Park/DNA Neighborhood. A reminder that our meeting is now one hour. Anyone wishing to speak at the meeting please give a 24 hour notice. All neighbors are welcomed and encouraged to attend!
Minute Taker
Beverly Salas
Secretary | BS |
Danny Senn
Chair | DS |
Eric Carson
EC | |
Karen Foss
KF | |
Sylvia Holguin
Vice Chair | SH |
Julie King
JK | |
Lissa Knudsen
LK | |
Nancy magnusson
NM | |
Ramsey ROSE
RR | |
John Sais
JS | |
Beverly Salas
Secretary | BS |
Mary Raje
MR | |
Trudi Wieduwilt
TW |
1 | Review and approve October meeting minutes. | For Action | |
2 | Review and approve Treasurers report. | For Action | |
3 | Club Runner discussion | For Action | |
4 | "The George" at the Pearl Addition appeal review. | For Action | |
5 | Lew Wallace Presentation. | For Noting | |
6 | Wells Park/DNA incident | For Discussion | |
7 | DNA projects | For Action |