Downtown Neighborhoods Association
powered by TidyHQOur Monthly Board Meeting including, Officer elections, annual Meeting review and continuation of the Home and Garden Tour business
Minute Taker
Beverly Salas
Secretary | BS |
Danny Senn
Chair | DS |
Eric Carson
EC | |
Karen Foss
KF | |
KH | |
Sylvia Holguin
Vice Chair | SH |
Corine Leger
CL | |
Nancy magnusson
NM | |
Beverly Salas
Secretary | BS |
Glen Salas
Treasurer | GS |
Danny Senn
Chair | DS |
Barbara Saville
BS | |
Trudi Wieduwilt
TW |
1 | Review and approve Meeting minutes for March meeting | For Action | |
2 | Review and approve Treasurers report | For Action | |
3 | Board Member term renewal. | For Action | |
4 | Officer elections | For Action | |
5 | Advertise in ABQ Journal for Home Tour | For Action | |
6 | Home Tour Brochure update, Layout, Ads, etc. | For Discussion | |
7 | Docents | For Discussion | |
8 | National Night Out discussion | For Discussion | |
9 | Purchase perennials for Lew Wallace/Home Tour | For Action | |
10 | Letter of support |