Downtown Neighborhoods Association
powered by TidyHQReview Home Tour, discuss National Neighborhood Night Out, Addressing amplified music concerns.
Please give a twenty four hour notice if you wish to speak at the board meeting
A reminder that this is a venue change per the email sent on 5/27/24
Minute Taker
Beverly Salas
Secretary | BS |
Danny Senn
Chair | DS |
James Cogswell
JC | |
Margaret Connealy
MC | |
Sylvia Holguin
Vice Chair | SH |
Karen Leach
KL | |
Melanie Lewis
ML | |
Brandy Romero
BR | |
Danny Senn
Chair | DS |
Trudi Wieduwilt
TW |
KH | |
Sue Johnson
SJ | |
Catherine Mexal
CM |
1 | Introduction of board and visitors | For Noting | |
2 | Review and approve May meeting minutes | For Action | |
3 | Review and approve Treasures report | For Action | |
4 | Meeting minutes process discussion | For Action | |
5 | Amplified sound issues | For Discussion | |
6 | Mosaic art project finance discussion | For Action | |
7 | Lew Wallace Update | For Noting | |
8 | Home Tour review | For Discussion | |
9 | National Neighborhood Night Out | For Discussion | |
10 | DNA- Non Profit discussion | For Action | |
11 | Tidy HQ training | For Discussion |