Downtown Neighborhoods Association
powered by TidyHQMonthly meeting discussing neighborhood issues and projects that impact our community.
If you wish to speak at the meeting the time limit is 5 minutes and please give a twenty-four-hour notice.
Minute Taker
Beverly Salas
Secretary | BS |
Danny Senn
Chair | DS |
Markela Clinton
MC | |
Joseph Greenwood
JG | |
Sylvia Holguin
Vice Chair | SH |
Julie King
JK | |
Nancy magnusson
NM | |
Brandy Romero
BR | |
George Senn
GS |
Ramona Garcia Lovato
RGL | |
Ramona Garcia-Lovato
1 | Introductions | For Noting | |
2 | Review and approve December meeting minutes | For Action | |
3 | Review and approve the Treasurers report | For Action | |
4 | Presentation from the Mayor's office | For Noting | |
5 | 2026 Home Tour- Discuss starting location for tour | For Discussion | |
6 | Annual DNA Meeting in March | For Discussion | |
7 | Lew Wallace update | For Noting | |
8 | Club Runner Update | For Discussion | |
9 | DNA future projects | For Discussion | |
10 | Discuss DNA Policy on Housing new city appeal policy | For Action |