Downtown Neighborhoods Association
powered by TidyHQUpdate on DNA activities up; new and old business
The DNA requests that anyone wanting to be put on the agenda, please do so 24 hours in advance of the meeting at
Presentation requests are limited to five minutes.
Minute Taker
Beverly Salas
Secretary | BS |
Danny Senn
Chair | DS |
Jack Brancatelli
JB | |
KH | |
Sylvia Holguin
Vice Chair | SH |
Yen Kha
YK | |
Nancy magnusson
NM | |
Beverly Salas
Secretary | BS |
Danny Senn
Chair | DS |
Trudi Wieduwilt
TW |
Catherine Mexal
CM |
1 | Introduction of Board Members/Attendees | For Action | |
2 | Review and Approve last Meeting's Minutes | For Action | |
3 | Treasurer's Report | For Noting | |
4 | ONC Annual Meeting Compliance Update | For Noting | |
5 | Acknowledge New Pedestrain Signage: Tiguex | For Noting | |
6 | Support for Washtub Laundromat | For Noting | |
7 | Pearl Project DNA Appeal Update | For Discussion | |
8 | Pearl Project | For Noting | |
9 | Old Walls Gallery Support Letter | For Noting | |
10 | National Night Out | For Action | |
11 | Mother's Day Home Tour | For Action | |
12 | New Venue for DNA Meetings Beginning July | For Noting | |
13 | New Business | For Discussion | |
14 | Adjourn the Meeting | For Action |